This is the privacy statement for Creative Vectors Ltd., which we review from time to time.
What data do we process and why?
We store a limited amount of personal data. This comprises:
- Contact information about clients, former clients, prospective clients and professional associates. We use this data to contact people as necessary to inform them about our services and in the course of conducting our work.
- Confidential notes recording our work with clients such as coaching sessions, interviews and group work. This is integral to the service we provide. It helps us recall salient points from our meetings with clients and any actions agreed.
There is also data processing associated with running our website. You can read a detailed statement on this in our website privacy policy.
What are the legal bases for this processing?
The legal basis for keeping the data described is legitimate interest.
Sharing data
We do not share data with third parties except in the following circumstances:
- We might occasionally share contact details of individuals with a third party if we believe that to do so might benefit the individual concerned. In most circumstances, we would seek the individual’s consent first.
- We share information about our work with clients and organisations with the supervisors who oversee our professional practice. Supervision is itself conducted in confidence. We regard it as an assurance of high standards for our clients, whom we always inform them that we work on this basis.
Data retention
We store data indefinitely. Retention of contacts database is necessary for building and maintaining legitimate business relationships with actual or potential clients. Our confidential notes are retained because clients often return to us after an assignment has ended, so the information we have on record is of value when resuming work with them. Additionally, we retain client notes as a source of evidence in the event of legal challenge. All data is stored under password protection.
Your rights
You are entitled to see what data we have relating to you on our files. You are also entitled to see the data that relates to you if you so wish. Should you wish to inquire about the data we hold on you or your company please contact us at