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Use of Psychometrics in Coaching

Use of Psychometrics in Coaching

I am now offering Quintax Personality Profiling in my coaching work. Why use psychometrics? I believe that understanding yourself is a fundamental first step in personal and professional development. Once you understand yourself and “where you’re...


In a business world that is increasingly volatile, it’s often said that  leaders need resilience. But what is that? The dictionary definition refers to an ability to spring back into shape, or recover from difficulties, and in psychology literature, we see resilience...

It is what it is

In my last blog I wrote about the benefits of frustration as a prompt to get you to imagine what you want. “daring to dream is an important step in thinking about change” This kind of imagining is future-oriented and is a creative step towards choosing...

Do you have to be perfect?

Conscientiousness and a passion for excellence are highly prized qualities in the workplace today. In a highly competitive world we need to avoid mistakes and achieve the highest standards. So a perfectionist working style can be a real asset. But what happens when...

New media addiction

Can’t stop checking your e-mails, texts, tweets or facebook status? Then you’re suffering from the modern complaint of new media addiction. These tools are fantastic for speeding up communication and finding new information, but used to excess can be a huge time thief...