Change, Coaching, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Resilience
A dyslexic journalist? Surely a recipe for disaster. You might be surprised. A.A. Gill’s autobiography, Pour Me: A Life is a great read for those of us who love his journalism. He’s the Sunday Times’ restaurant and TV critic as well as an occasional feature writer,...
Coaching, Critical Thinking
Executive Coaching is a relatively new profession and even its practitioners sometimes struggle to explain what it is. In fact, coaching is a helping service that draws on many other disciplines to contribute to its own growing body of thought and evidenced practice....
Across Cultures, Critical Thinking, Strategy, Zeitgeist
I missed the first 30 minutes of this excellent play on BBC4, which re-imagined the controversy faced by Monty Python over their film, The Life of Brian. It was an hilarious and witty mix of imitation, story telling, satire and flights of fancy. Then I watched a...